The Cartagena Real Estate Market

Here you will find the most complete information related to the Real Estate sector in the city of Cartagena in Colombia.

You can see the wide variety of options that ACR Inmobiliaria can offer you through the information provided by the brokers registered in the system. See the offers for the purchase of real estate like, houses, apartments, commercial premises, offices, warehouses, farms, urban lots, Real Estate Projects and all the services that a Real Estate can offer you.

Search for the properties through the select boxes located in the middle of this page, or you can select the neighborhood or sector of your interest through the photo that represents it.


The following listing gives you direct access to the apartments that are for sale in the neighborhoods of Bocagrande, Castillogrande, El Laguito, El Cabrero, Marbella, Crespo, La Boquilla and Manga.

apartaments in front of the beach in Bocagrande Cartagena de Indias


apartaments in front of the sea and bahia in Castillogrande-Cartagena-Colombia


apartaments near and front the beach in El Laguito - Cartagena - Colombia


apartaments with view of the sea in Manga - Cartagena - Colombia


apartaments near the beach and front of the sea El Cabrero - Cartagena - Colombia


apartaments in front of the sea in Marbella - Cartagena - Bolivar


apartaments in Crespo - Cartagena de Indias- Colombia


apartaments in front of the sea near tha beach Boquilla,Morros,Murano - Cartagena - Colombia



The following listing gives you direct access to the properties that are for sale under the modality of Colonial Houses or houses of the walled city, Modern Houses, Industrial Warehouses, Urban Lots and Farms. These properties are located in Cartagena de Indias and its areas of influence.

Colonial homes in San Diego, Santo Domingo, Getsemani - Cartagena - Colombia

Colonial Houses

hoises in barcelona de indias y terranova - Cartagena - Colombia

Modern Houses

Warehouses in industrial zonas like Mamonal,Bosque,Ternera - Cartagena - Colombia


Lots and Farms in rural zones like Mamonal, Manzanillo, north area and cordiality - Cartagena - Colombia


Options for doing business and investing in the real estate market in the city of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia.

ACR Inmobiliaria in Cartagena can offer you a wide variety of alternatives through the information provided by its network of real estate brokers.

Property offers on sale for tourist, residential, commercial or industrial use in different areas of the city. Houses, apartments, commercial premises, offices, warehouses, farms, lots and hotels, among others.

Industrial and commercial properties